Jesus’ resurrection is the most world changing event in human history since creation. It changed everything about life, death, salvation, condemnation, righteousness, evil, and eternity. Let’s look at a few of the effects of the resurrection on our lives today.

  1. Jesus’ resurrection proved He defeated sin and death on the cross.

By bringing Jesus back from the dead, God the Father was validating all that Jesus did for us. He was proving that He truly claimed to be the Son of God. He was proving that His sacrifice for our sins was truly accepted. He was proving His status as righteous and therefore not deserving of death. All of these things were proven when Jesus walked back out of His tomb. 

  1. Jesus’ resurrection promises us our own resurrection after death.

The resurrection stands as irrefutable proof that Jesus knows what He’s talking about when it comes to death and eternal life. If someone promised that they could save you from death and then died themselves, you would have a hard time believing they had the kind of power they claimed. But if they then came back from the dead…that’s a bit more convincing. Jesus can claim power over death because He is the only person to return from the grave and never die again! 

And that power He holds over death He promises to use to raise us all from the dead. Christianity is not a religion where we spend eternity forever in some spiritual, ethereal heaven as ghosts floating on clouds strumming harps. No, Christianity promises far more than a retreat from the physical. Jesus promised a fully physical resurrection from the dead to live a full life forever with Him. That means that our eternal life will be just as physical as this one, if not more so. This means that Christians are not those who avoid death, but those who overcome death. We don’t escape from death, we go through death and come out the other side. 

  1. We can live now like we come back from the dead by joyful & fearless obedience.

Part of overcoming death means living without fear of death. Now obviously all people, Christians included, should have a healthy fear of death because it does God no good to cut your life short before He has accomplished all he wants with your life. But overcoming death means no longer allowing the fear or death to keep us from obeying everything Jesus told us to do. Jesus told his followers not to fear those who would oppose them and threaten to kill their bodies. That would be only a temporary setback for Christians! So we can live with fearless obedience and also endless joy. We know that every believer who dies is going to rise again, so even though their departure is painful and sad, it cannot steal our joy from us. That joy is rooted in our undying savior who promises us a perfect life after death.

  1. Jesus’ resurrection makes us undefeatable.

This makes Christians the most unbeatable people on earth. Paul was beaten in almost every way possible and even executed a couple of times and you know what he did? He stood up, dusted himself off, and kept on preaching the Gospel! He knew that nothing could stop Jesus and so nothing could stop him from following Jesus. This means Christians can never be threatened. After all, our eternal life is secure from any threat. Christians can never be bribed. After all, what could they possibly offer us that is better than perfect eternal life with God? Christians can’t be overcome by sickness, poverty, oppression, violence, or even death itself. If Jesus rose from the dead then even our greatest enemy is already defeated for us. We have only to charge ahead and wait for Jesus to bring us our unfading crown of life.